ERC Proof of Concept grant

The ERC Proof of Concept grant is part of the European Research Council (ERC). The ERC grants are highly competitive and an outstanding track record is an important factor of success. As well as the research carried out by the researcher, it is an ambitious programme aiming to recognise the best ideas and talents.

ERC Proof of Concept Funding 2024: overview

Subsidy: €150,000

Total budget: €25,000,000

Funding rate: 100%


  • Opening date: 16 November 2023
  • Pre-proposal: 14 March 2024
  • Full proposal: 17 September 2024

Project duration: 1.5 years

Consortium: This action is open to Principal Investigators (PI) already benefitting from an ERC frontier research grant (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy) of any nationality who intends to conduct their Proof of Concept activity in any EU Member State or Associated Country.

Scope: The objective is to provide funds to enable ERC-funded ideas to be brought to a pre-demonstration stage where potential commercialisation or societal opportunities have been identified.



ERC Proof of Concept FAQs

When is the ERC Proof of Concept deadline?

In 2024, ERC Proof of Concept deadlines are on the following dates:

  • Opening date: 16 November 2023
  • Pre-proposal: 14 March 2024
  • Full proposal: 17 September 2024

Who can apply for ERC Proof of Concept funding?

This action is open to Principal Investigators (PI) already benefitting from an ERC frontier research grant (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy) of any nationality who intends to conduct their Proof of Concept activity in any EU Member State or Associated Country.

What is the subsidy for ERC Proof of Concept?

ERC Proof of Concept projects are awarded €150,000 in funding for an 18 month period.



About ERC

The ERC grants are highly competitive and an outstanding track record is an important factor of success. As well as the research carried out by the researcher, it is an ambitious programme aiming to recognize the best ideas and talents. Multiple types of grants are available within the ERC Work Programme 2024, for multiple stages of your career (Starting, Advanced, and Consolidator), a follow-up (Proof of Concept) of your running ERC grant or a consortium grant (Synergy).

More ERC grants or visit the ERC website



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