Eureka Eurostars
The Eureka Eurostars programme in 2024 supports innovative SMEs and R&D-performing SMEs with international projects. Eurostars is open for any technological innovation and supports early stage projects (preliminary data) towards prototype development. We have gathered all relevant information on this page. Interesting in applying to the Eurostars programme? Don’t forget to download our free guide on writing a winning proposal.

On this page:
- Eurostars 2024 summary & expected deadlines
- Scope
- Catalyze submitted both number 1 ranked projects in Europe
- Cellcius
- Praxa Sense
- Eureka Eurostars 2023 FAQs
- Examples of winning Eurostars projects:
Eurostars 2024 summary & expected deadlines
- Subsidy: Country-specific, for NL €500,000
- Funding rate: Country-specific, for NL max. 50%
- Deadline: 12 September 2024 (Opens 12 July)
- Project duration: max. 3 years
Eurostars Scope
The Eurostars programme eligibility criteria were recently updated. The programme now supports international innovative projects led by R&D-performing SMEs, in addition to innovative SMEs with no previous R&D experience, but with the ambition and capabilities to develop new products, processes and services. Such innovative SMEs will be eligible for funding, to lead an international consortium, and to collaborate on market-driven R&D and innovation projects with like-minded partners.
Eurostars is open for any technological innovation. With its bottom-up approach, Eurostars supports the development of rapidly marketable innovative products, processes and services that help improve the daily lives of people around the world. Are you prepared for the upcoming Eurostars deadline? Read our guide to find out how to draft the perfect proposal and how we help companies like yours to secure funding.
Catalyze supported both number 1 ranked projects in Europe in 2022
Did you know, in both Eurostars rounds in 2022, Catalyze supported both of the number 1 ranked Eurostars projects in Europe. Learn more about these exceptional Eurostars projects below. Since then, project rankings on the European level are not made available by EUREKA, but we have continued regularly submitting number 1 ranked projects on a national level.
Cellcius #1 Eurostars
Cellcius’ project, LOSS-FREE HEAT, ranked number 1 out of more than 400 applications Europe-wide. The project will deliver a groundbreaking heat distribution system that recovers unutilized low temperature industrial waste heat using salt and water, and transports it to distant end-users. Catalyze and Cellcius collaborated together to develop the top-of-class Eurostars proposal.
Read our interview with Cellcius CEO, Evert Rietdijk
Praxa Sense #1 Eurostars project
Praxa Sense’s project ranked number 1 out of all 428 applications in Europe. The AMBULAS project will develop their VitaLas medical device, the most accurate remote monitoring solution for continuous passive measurements of among others ECG, blood oxygen saturation, temperature and movement.
Read our interview with Liselotte Stolk, Co-founder and COO
Eureka Eurostars 2024 FAQs
Who can apply for Eurostars funding?
First of all, the consortium must include at least two partners independent from each other and established in at least two different Eurostars countries. The leader of this consortium should be an R&D performing SME, or an innovative SME with suitable ambition and capabilities, and the typical consortium consists of 3 partners. Partners of the consortium might include: other SMEs, academic partners, research organizations or large companies.
Each partner within the consortium should benefit from the Eurostars project and should offer crucial expertise to enable the execution of the project.
What is Eurostars funding for?
Eurostars funding is awarded to achieve proof of concept. Within two years after project, the product should be on the market, or clinical trials should start. Activities for life sciences often include all pre-clinical development steps until a small first-in-man study (compound screening, efficacy / tox studies, pharmacokinetic, etc). The project is evaluated from innovation, cooperation and economical perspectives.
Important to know is that the funding rules are determined per country. The budget, funding rate, rules for submission and more conditions depend on the country of the partner and will thus differ amongst the partners in the consortium. On average the total subsidy for the entire project will be €1.5M, divided over the partners.
When is the Eurostars deadline?
The next Eurostars call opens on 12 January 2024 with a deadline on 14 March 2024.
How do you write a successful application to Eurostars?
Firstly, you must ensure you meet the requirements of an innovative SME. If you do not meet these requirements then you are not eligible to lead a consortium. Next, you should carefully consider your project’s fit to the criteria of Eurostars. You can compare your project to these criteria in detail by downloading our comprehensive Eurostars guide. It is then crucial to start on time with building your ideal consortium, with partners that bring essential complimentary expertise to your project. We share in-depth advice for writing a high-quality Eurostars proposal in our guide.
What is the subsidy for Eureka Eurostars?
Eurostars awards vary by country. For the Netherlands this is €500,000, with a max. funding rate of 50%. To determine the maximum Eurostars subsidy in your country you can consult the Eureka website.
What is the timeline for applications to Eurostars?
Evaluation: 3 months. Project starts 6 months after deadline.
Examples of winning Eurostars projects:
Catalyze is proud of our high success rate in Eurostars applications. Read more about successful Eurostars projects below.
Eurostars projects: Life sciences & health
- NordicNeuroLab, ‘DEPREDICT’ project: developing AI-based software programs for predicting the outcomes of therapy for patients with depression.
- Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam (ACTA), ‘FUNC-BIOINK’ project: developing a ready-to-use biofunctionalized collagen-based ink for 3D bioprinting of human tissues.
- Aegirbio, ‘TESTOMETIC’ project: development of a novel point-of-care diagnostic platform for COVID-19.
Eurostars projects: Sustainability
- BioscienZ, ‘MycoMaterials’ project: developing their revolutionary MycoMaterials technology for circular production of mycelial (Myco-)leather, generated from agrifood by-products.
- Planted, ‘Plant2Go’ project: bringing a novel plant-based meat substitute to the market that is affordable and highly nutritious with unique meat-like taste and juiciness.
- Liquidseal, ‘EggsTEND’ project: bringing to market innovative bio-coating technology to extend the shelf-life of perishable products.
Download our complete Eurostars guide

Visit the Eureka Eurostars website