
YieldComputer: Autonomous robotics-based crop monitoring

YieldComputer’s ROBOT project was recently awarded in the newly launched EIT Food: Impact Funding Framework programme. CEO and Co-Founder, Theo Slaats, shares his thoughts on the award and support from Catalyze.

YieldComputer is a Dutch start-up founded in 2019. The company has successfully developed and marketed an autonomous, AI-powered yield forecasting solution for strawberry growers, to significantly improve the growers’ information position related to harvest volumes, allowing them to organise their sales effectively. The ROBOT Consortium aims to develop an autonomous robotics-based crop monitoring platform that acts as a decision support for the growers, to help growers optimize their crop management decisions, resulting in reduced usage of water, chemical pesticides, and labour.

Theo Slaats, YieldComputer CEO and Co-Founder, described how their EIT Food award enabled them to realise the ROBOT project:

“Due to the awarded funding we have been able to realise a project that otherwise would be too costly and too risky for a startup such as YieldComputer to undertake. When this solution is realized a significant impact can be made in improving biodiversity and reducing water usage in the growing of soft fruits”

“Catalyze supported YieldComputer during the entire process. From bringing the EIT Food grant to our attention, to writing the grant proposal with a multi-disciplinary team and preparing the consortium members for the presentation to the investment committee.”



What is EIT Food: Impact Funding Framework?

The EIT Food Impact Funding Framework funds ambitious projects that aim to have a real impact on our food system. Successful projects come from consortia who can work effectively, move quickly, and are supported by high-quality research, communications and impact assessment expertise. Projects applying to EIT Food should cover at least one of the following EIT Food Mission Targets: Healthier Lives Through Food; A Net Zero Food System; Reducing Risk for a Fair & Resilient Food System.



About Catalyze

At Catalyze we commit ourselves to accelerate innovations that have a positive impact on the world. We are the driving force for innovations across the fields of Life Sciences and Sustainability. Our offering of strategic consulting services, funding consulting, project management and more, deliver impactful expertise for all development stages. With a proven track record and the highest quality and success rate in the industry, we aim to be the consulting partner of choice to drive the success of meaningful innovation projects.


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